Зграда старе евангелистичке цркве у Чикагу претворена у циркус

Бивша евангелистичка црква, стара 109 година, недавно је претворена у елитну школу циркуса на Логан Скверу у Чикагу. Студенти ће имати прилику да висе са дрвених греда на 50 метара изнад земље.

Johanna Vargas trains on the corde lisse at the Aloft Loft circus training and teaching school, which was converted from a church, in Chicago, Illinois, September 20, 2016. Picture taken September 20, 2016. REUTERS/Jim Young

Lucas Aguirre practices his juggling at the Aloft Loft circus training and teaching school which was converted from a church, in Chicago, Illinois, U.S., September 22, 2016. Picture taken September 22, 2016. REUTERS/Jim Young

Adams Marris (L) and Jon Snyder balance on the bar at the Aloft Loft circus training and teaching school which was converted from a church, in Chicago, Illinois, U.S., September 23, 2016. Picture taken September 23, 2016. REUTERS/Jim Young

Performers train at the Aloft Loft circus training and teaching school which was converted from a church, in Chicago, Illinois, U.S., September 23, 2016. Picture taken September 23, 2016. REUTERS/Jim Young

Извор: http://hr.n1info.com/a153964/Foto/Cirkus-u-crkvi.html


2 коментар(а)

  1. ..каква вера таква и црква…

  2. Ко Цркву не схвати озбиљно, претвори је у циркус.